Case Study: Delivering Quality Used Forklift Trucks to Customers in India

India has over 100 local forklift manufacturing brands. This makes the industry a pretty crowded place to be – with the sheer volume of competing brands and suppliers, it sometimes feels like we’re selling to a saturated market. However, there remains a shortage of quality reach trucks, articulated trucks and VNA man up trucks, which means there’s plenty of room for an international exporter like PHL to provide value and quality.
What are the most popular forklifts exported to India?
From our experience, the most sought after brands in India are BT and Toyota. We’ve also found that by far the most popular types include tall mast machines in order to maximise racking systems in warehouses and. We frequently talk to our loyal customers throughout the country. Helping warehouse managers to optimise their available space is definitely the number one challenge we can help address.
What types of customers in India have bought from PHL?
The majority of our customers in India are dealers. They are the ones who have established the knowledge and networks across the country – the ones who truly understand the challenges and needs of the end user and the types of forklift that require imports. We also have experience of selling directly to end users, including India’s largest book publisher. It’s always satisfying to know that our quality, refurbished trucks have found a new home and are providing years of service.

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